Saturday, 19 October 2019

Drug Interactions of Alcohol:

   §    Alcohol is a psychoactive substance and its chronic use can lead to dependence.
   §    According to previous studies, about half of Alcohol users take medications interacting with Alcohol.
   §    Drugs Increasing Blood Alcohol Levels (BALs)
Ø H2 receptor blockers (Cimetidine or Ranitidine)
Ø Aspirin
Ø Metoclopramide
Ø Cisapride
Ø Erythromycin
   §    Drugs Increasing the risk of Disulfiram-like reactions
Ø Cephalosporins
Ø Metronidazole
Ø Sulphonamides
Ø Isoniazid
Ø Antifungals
Ø Sulfonylureas
   §    Drugs Increasing the risk of CNS depression
Ø Benzodiazepines
Ø Barbiturates
Ø Phenothiazines
Ø Opioid analgesics
Ø Antihistamines
   §    Drugs Increasing the risk of Hepatotoxicity
Ø Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)
   §    Drug increasing the risk of orthostatic hypotension
Ø Nitrates
   §    Drugs increasing the risk of UGIB
   §    Healthcare professionals through the screening, education, and follow up on suspected drug interactions could reduce the risk of adverse effects.
   §    The patients are encouraged to ask their doctor or pharmacist to look over their list for any potentially dangerous combinations.
   §    It is recommended that people fill all their prescriptions at one pharmacy, if possible.

Drug Interactions of Thiazide Diuretics: